Sunday, November 14, 2010


So, blog world, can anyone tell me why 'love' and 'respect' don't always go hand-in-hand? As in I still have those 'L' feelings, no pun intended, yet no respect at all. How is that possible? The feminists who have taught me along the way - and who I've read en route - have told me that you can't love if you don't respect. Hmmm.. is this about oneself or others? Or all the above? So how can you love someone you don't respect? And if you love someone you don't respect, how can you respect yourself? All valid questions, I'm afraid. And I'm also afraid of any answers that might be out there. So keep them to yourselves :-) Part of the process is knowing when you're not ready to hear the for-real truth.

Either way, when I'm on the bus and we pass 'his' street (aka street with his name in it) and someone pulls the cord to stop I still want to yell out 'Trust me, sister, you don't want this stop!' Yet.. a part of me still does? Or just thinks I do? Or upon consumption of adult beverages only remembers the good things and needs to remind myself of all the bad? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Have ALL those bad memories and actions and behaviors that made up the majority of whatever we had front of mind, and the good ones that were so few and far between way at the back? Why, oh why, adult beverages, do you reverse those? It's not a magic trick I like. Nor appreciate.

F you adult beverages. F you street. F you him. Slash.. I do still remember his number (from deleting it and re-entering it in my phone so many times) and want to text. But WON'T. Self-control, you little vixen. You are someone I can both love and respect.